Material on JRR Tolkien
- A not so short discussion on the History of
Middle-earth, the primary source about Tolkien's world
made available by his son Christopher.
- Tolkien FAQ, my still unfinished
translation of the official FAQ into German.
- A set of documents describing Tengwar
usage for Eldarin languages (German); with lots of examples
that might make it interesting even for those that cannot read
German, but want to see how Quenya and Sindarin texts are written.
- A document attempting to reconstruct an "Tale
of the Years"
for the events between the awakening of the Elves and the
end of the First Age; the material was compiled from the
later volumes of the History of Middle-Earth.
Sorry, also in German, but as an
English speaker you should at least be able to read the numbers!
- A highly sarcastic review of the Hobbit movies (German).
- A short note on the Valaquenta, the
first part of the Silmarillion. (German)
- A list of all the Edain of the Three Houses
in the First Age, as
mentioned in the Silmarillion and other posthumous work. Recent information
from the History of Middle-earth was included.
There versions of this document in both German and
(probably bad) English.
A Family
Tree reflecting the complicated genealogical
situation among the Eldar and Edain in the First Age is available in
PDF format.
- Not even the shortest list on internet Tolkien ressources
should ignore the great
page of Helge Kåre Fauskanger. Here, all your questions
about Tolkien's languages are answered.
- Nor should the fantastic
Encyclopedia of Arda be
omitted. This online encyclopedia gives short but accurate descriptions for
hundreds of Middle-earth related keywords.
- The full Old English text of Beowulf plus a
German translation.